Monday, 6 July 2020

Echo Any MYSQL Data in Wordpress Using Plugin

Facing hard time to find a way to echo Mysql data to easy display in frontpage. I spend almost 2hour to solve this, and Alhamdulillah, because I got a little bit of experiences to handle mysql so I got the in method.

3. I modify code below following number 1 above
the format is like this

SELECT ID, wp_column
FROM $wpdb-> wp_table
WHERE  wp_column = 'value'
AND wp_column = 5

$user_checks = $wpdb->get_results( 
SELECT ID, user_nicename, user_pass
FROM $wpdb->users
//add foreach as partition
foreach ( $user_checks as $user_check ) 
echo $user_check->user_nicename;
        echo ' : ';
        echo $user_check->user_pass;
        echo '<br/>';

email mailto: pretext

 <a href=",%20saya%20berminat%20tahu%20lebi...