Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Jquery: Popup with timer

<!-- Facebook POPUP LikeBox With Timer Code Start Trickstoo-->
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/* for Tablet & Small Laptop */
<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
function exepopupfunc() {
var sec =  6//popup timer
var timer = setInterval(function () {
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if (sec == 0) {
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<h1>Sponsored By : ( Iklan Anda Disini )
<div class="exepopupdata" style="float:right;">

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width="100%" />

<div id="exepopupfooter">like Superpantas Page atau tunggu sebentar <span>10</span> Seconds...!!!
<!-- <a href="#" id="exepopupclose" onclick="return false;"></a><br /> -->
<!-- Facebook POPUP LikeBox With Timer Code End Trickstoo-->

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