Properties and Methods
The Array object has many properties and methods which help developers to handle arrays easily and efficiently. You can get the value of a property by specifying and the output of a method by specifying arrayname.method().
- length property --> If you want to know the number of elements in an array, you can use the length property.
- prototype property --> If you want to add new properties and methods, you can use the prototype property.
- reverse method --> You can reverse the order of items in an array using reverse method.
- sort method --> You can sort the items in an array using sort method.
- pop method --> You can remove the last item of an array using pop method.
- shift method --> You can remove the first item of an array using shift method.
- push method --> You can add a value as the last item of array.
<html> <head> <title>Arrays!!!</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var students = new Array("John", "Ann", "Aaron", "Edwin", "Elizabeth"); Array.prototype.displayItems=function(){ for (i=0;i<this.length;i++){ document.write(this[i] + "<br />"); } } document.write("students array<br />"); students.displayItems(); document.write("<br />The number of items in students array is " + students.length + "<br />"); document.write("<br />The SORTED students array<br />"); students.sort(); students.displayItems(); document.write("<br />The REVERSED students array<br />"); students.reverse(); students.displayItems(); document.write("<br />THE students array after REMOVING the LAST item<br />"); students.pop(); students.displayItems(); document.write("<br />THE students array after PUSH<br />"); students.push("New Stuff"); students.displayItems(); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>