Monday, 17 July 2017

Typography - Fallback (UX)

If the first font unable/uninstalled, use the next one (Fallback)

Earlier, you learned that users must have the fonts specified in the stylesheet installed on their computer in order for their browser to display that font. What happens when a font is not installed on a user's computer?

Most computers have a small set of typefaces pre-installed. This small set includes serif fonts and sans-serif fonts, like Times New Roman and Arial, respectively.

When the stylesheet specifies a font not installed on a user's computer, the pre-installed fonts can be used as fallback fonts for users.

To use fallback fonts, the following syntax is required:

h1 { font-family: Garamond, Times, serif; }

The CSS rule above says: "Use the Garamond font for all <h1> elements on the web page. If that font is not available, use the Times font.

 If both of those fonts are not available, use any serif font pre-installed on the user's computer." The fonts specified after Garamond are the fallback fonts.

Fallback fonts help ensure a consistent experience for the diverse audience of users that visit a site.

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