Wednesday, 31 July 2013


<iframe border="1" height="80" src="" width="830"></iframe>


Be certain when copying the source code to keep the very
long line below intact. You will get an error if you split
the line. Have some fun, play with the various options such
as height, width, and scrollbars!

function GetCookie(name) {
  var arg=name+"=";
  var alen=arg.length;
  var clen=document.cookie.length;
  var i=0;
  while (i<clen) {
    var j=i+alen;
    if (document.cookie.substring(i,j)==arg)
      return "here";
    i=document.cookie.indexOf(" ",i)+1;
    if (i==0) break;
  return null;
var visit=GetCookie("COOKIE1");
if (visit==null){
   var expire=new Date(); = "ads";
    newwin=open("", "ads", 
   document.cookie="COOKIE1=here; expires=Thu 01-01-2004 00:00:00 GMT;";
// -->



        Create a New HTML Document

        Before you add the pop up window code to your page, you need to create the page that will display inside the window. Create a new document in Notepad (or your plain text editor of choice) and save it as "popup.html." Whatever text or images you want to show up in the pop up, needs to go into popup.html. Once you have finished with the document, save and upload.

        The Pop Up Window Code

        The javascript code to create an automatic pop up window is very simple. This code goes in the header of your index page (or whatever page you want to window to pop up on). Whenever a visitor loads the page, popup.html will automatically pop up in a small window on top of the page:

        <script language="javascript">'','','width=200,height=200,left=10,top=10')

Popup Windows: left & top, windowname, 'width=250,height=150,left=50,top=100,scrollbars=yes');

        To create your pop up window, you need to change "" to the URL of your popup.html document. You may also need to adjust the width and height if popup.html is larger than the size of the pop up. You can change the width and height by playing around with the preset values (350 and 200, respectively) until you find the right combination.

        Adding a Close Option

        You can add a link to your pop up window that users can click to automatically close the window. To start, add this code to your popup.html page wherever you want it to show up - usually at the bottom:

        <*a href="javascript: self.close()">Close Window<*/a>

        You can change "Close Window" to whatever you want the text for your close link to be.

Read more: How to Create a Pop Up Window (Automatic) |


f you use absolute positioning, you should specify both the left and top attributes. Also, you should set position:relative; on some parent element to make it a layer, so that the absolute positioning uses that element as origin. If you don't specify the origin, it may be the window or it may be some other element, and you don't know where your absolutely positioned element will end up.
There are some other alternatives to place elements on top of each other, each with their own limitations.

You can use relative positioning to make text display on top of an image:
<img src="..." alt="" />
<div style="position:relative;top:-50px;">
   This text will display 50 pixels higher than it's original position,
   placing it on top of the image. However, the text will still take up
   room in it's original position, leaving an empty space below the image.
You can use a floating element inside another element to put text on top of an image:
   <div style="float:left;">
      This text will be on top of the image. The parent element
      gets no height, as it only contains floating elements.
      However, IE7 and earlier has a bug that gives the parent
      element a height anyway.
<img src="..." alt="" />

email mailto: pretext

 <a href=",%20saya%20berminat%20tahu%20lebi...